Music am i a money service business I get that question about like three or four times a week okay and so let's let's read this all right money transmitter includes any person who engages as a business and accepting currency or funds denominated in currency and transmits the currency or funds or the value of the currency or funds by any means through financial agency institution or any other person engaged as a business in the transfer of funds so right off the bat okay your money transmitters right which are your exchanges our money service businesses right and that includes bid tracks okay there's a lot of questions well if I don't if I don't accept if I don't accept Fiat do I have to get a license bit Rex has all their licenses just because they don't accept USD doesn't mean that they don't need the license because they're engaged in the transfer funds denominated in currency right so they'd innominate things in Bitcoin and they denominated as a like a quotient of the dollar right so you know out of abundance of caution and you can make the arguments and bid Trek started out not having the license you can make the argument that you don't need the license but out of an abundance of caution like poorly dressed lawyers and bad tweed suits would tell you like when you're writing a will or something like that you need the license you need a license and then that's that's not me trying to help the you know help the the community of lawyers with with fees it's just the best route to go especially in this environment and I think clearly the money service business of it denominator you are money service business and if you...
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Msb Registration cost Form: What You Should Know
Other Hospital or Health Care Institutions54144431Professional, Scientific and Administrative Consultants and Establishments 54144460General Merchandise Stores 54144490Other Recreational (i.e., camping, fishing and hunting) and Leisure Facilities 5415.521.1201.1203.1204.1206Other Recreational Facilities5417.5112.851.8052Others Recreational Facilities54184421Non-Profit Family and Business Services54184460Other Hospital or Health Care Institutions84144460General Merchandise Stores8415.521.12021.1222.1223Other Hospital or Health Care Institutions8418.531.1204.1205.1206.1207Other Hospital or Health Care Institutions8419.521.1202.1203.1204.1205Other Hospital or Health Care Institutions For those places where they are not non-mandatory, that is, places where it is not a good faith estimate that the actual number of injuries and illnesses would have been kept if only forms were submitted, the final rule requires that the employer (and, thus, the company) submit Form 300A for each workday in which, for any workday during a calendar year, a work-related injury or illness is reasonably anticipated. If injuries or illnesses are reasonably anticipated, it is not necessary to prepare forms, even if injuries or illnesses occur. The form for the workday for any one day in a calendar year is to be submitted with the employer's completed Annual Injury or Illness Report for that calendar year. The OSHA Form 300A, which must be submitted on paper at the place of employment, is to be submitted in the following manner: To the employer Copy to the OSHA Division of Operations / OSHA Headquarters, Room 5A20, 200 Constitution Ave W., SE Atlanta, GA 30331 For persons who work for multiple employers (e.g., construction company, hospital, medical group etc.) it is the responsibility of each person employed by one employer to complete the entire form.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Msb Registration cost