Hi, my name is Jani Mundy from Extra Barry. Okay, let's talk about opening up a business banking facility for a money service business, or MSB. It's very difficult if you're any type of money service business to get any type of banking, and even if you do have a bank account, most of the mainstream banks are now systematically looking to close those facilities and almost put you out of business. We can help. We have certain options available if you are a money service business to continue trading legitimately with a fully regulated FCA banking provider, which will allow you to continue to train and grow your business. For more information and to see what's currently available, we can offer you as a money service business, contact Extra Direct at UK and we'll be happy to see how we can help you.
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Msb website Form: What You Should Know
Fees for MSB Registration Fees for MSB registration are 500 (tax included), and the fee is waived for the first 5 business days of registration. No additional registration fee, but you must pay the license fee of 500 once per year. (tax included).  All applications will be reviewed. For a list of available business entities, select from the table below. Select a table from your Web Forms. Author/Owner: Note: This list is provided to help assist new registrants identify the MSB entity for which they registered. In order to register an MSB entity, you must use your true business name and the name of your registered agent. The entity will only be listed on your bank statement (not as a new business) if they have a valid license in your state and if the entity has sufficient funds to cover the license fee. Author/Owner: Fin CEN The MSB Registration of Money Services Business, Fin CEN Form 107, must be completed and signed by the owner or controlling person and filed within 180 days of the date of initial registration by the MSB. The MSB form requires three required items: (1) a physical address for business purposes, (2) a business entity registration number in the country where the business will be incorporated or which will be organized, and (3) a copy certificate of authority (COA) — required for all MSB's and all business entities. The COA contains the information you'll need to verify identity, obtain legal authority, and register your business. (1) address for business purposes  (2) business entity registration number in the country where the business will be incorporated or which will be organized. To check an MSB or MSB. B entity's status click on an “MSB Status” link on the MSB Docs website. This will allow for the transaction to proceed to the next step of completing your paperwork. To find an MSB or MSB. B entity's business entity registration number, consult the Fin CEN Data Center. (3) copy certification — mandatory to register an MSB and required for all MSB. B entities. This provides proof of ownership, authority, and control of the entity through certification issued by a local bank (and its national banking authority) that is acceptable in the country where the business will be incorporated or which will be organized.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Msb website