Music. Hello everyone, my name is Jan CuNi, and I want to invite you to my Investments 2019. This is an exciting new addition to the BMM Convention that will happen in Dallas in July of 2019. So, let me paint a scenario for you. You're off to a party. There, you talk about football (yes, American football), cricket, politics, and then invariably the topic turns to investments. Suddenly, people are throwing out these four-letter words: F-bar or VDP. Pretty soon, FATCA came up, and I see. Somebody says, "You know, I sold this home in India and I saved so much money because I invested in these Government of India bonds." And you're saying, "Wait, doesn't D.I.R.S. require global income declaration?" By the time you leave the party, your head is spinning, and no, it's not the wine. You get home, go to sleep, and then you wake up startled. You had a dream - an IRS audit. Thank God it was a dream, but you have this chronic nagging worry that, in spite of your best intentions, you may be missing something. But wait, you say, you're attending this BMM Convention anyway. My Investments 2019 happens on that Thursday, along with the BMM Convention. So why not attend that and get all your questions answered? When you register for BMM 2019, you also have to explicitly register for My Investments 2019. I look forward to seeing you at My Investments 2019. Thank you. Music. It wasn't pretty.
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Fbar deadline 2025 Form: What You Should Know
It is a provisional publication; further development is required PIE — a “personal data instrument” is being implemented by the European Union, which is to replace the existing “personally identifiable information” (PIN) databases maintained by the EU Member States for the purposes of.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Fbar deadline 2025